26 marzo 2025

Concursos GeeksRoom: Sorteamos un sistema AIO Lenovo M90z

English translation  (Google Translate)

Bueno, desde este momento y por el transcurso de 5 días, hasta el Lunes 6 de Diciembre, 2010, a las 18:00 hs tiempo de Dallas (6:00 pm CST), nosotros llevaremos a cabo un concurso en donde podrán ganar un sistema Todo en Uno Lenovo M90z que será enviado por Lenovo.

El concurso es solo para las personas mayores de 18 años que viven en los Estados Unidos, ya que este producto va a ser proporcionado por Lenovo USA y solo se comercializa en este país.  Para participar es facil y deben de realizar solo uno de los siguientes puntos:

1) Por Twitter o Facebook, llevar a cabo lo siguiente (solo una de las dos: o Twitter o Facebook)

En Twitter: Enviar un tweet que diga lo siguiente:

“GeeksRoom Giveaway: AIO Lenovo M90z http://bit.ly/gVZlDR #Lenovom90zGR “

En Facebook: se hacen fan de la página de GeeksRoom haciendo clic en el ícono de I Like.

Dejar un comentario en este post diciendo si usastes Twitter (nickname) o Facebook (nombre de usuario)

2) Si no tienen Twitter o Facebook, puedes dejar un comentario en este post, diciéndo cómo vas a utilizar el sistema M90z.

Una vez hecho el sorteo, le enviaré un email al ganador, el cuál tiene 24 horas para contestar que acepta el premio, si no contesta dentro de las 24 horas, el premio pasará al siguiente en la lista y así sucesivamente hasta que uno acepte el premio.  En ese momento deberá enviarme un email con su Nombre, Apellido, dirección postal y numero de teléfono, para que Lenovo le haga el envio del mismo.

En este concurso no pueden participar ningún integrante de GeeksRoom , como así tampoco familiares de los mismos!

Así que les deseo suerte!!

Recuerden que el concurso se lleva a cabo simultáneamente en otros blogs.   Lo único a tener en cuenta es que el ganador de un concurso, ya no puede participar en los otros blogs.

  • Dec 1 – Dec 5: Medicine and Technology
  • Dec 2 – Dec 6: Geeks Room
  • Dec 3 – Dec 7: Neowin
  • Dec 4 – Dec 8: Gear Diary
  • Dec 5 – Dec 9: The Medical Quack
  • Dec 6 – Dec 10: Digital Home Thoughts
  • Dec 7 – Dec 11: Chip Chick
  • Dec 8 – Dec 12: Teach 42
  • Dec 9 – Dec 13: Slash Gear
  • Dec 10 – Dec 14: Medgadget
  • Dec 11 – Dec 15: Absolutely Windows
  • Dec 12 – Dec 16: Small Business Trends
  • Dec 13 – Dec 17: Cool Cat Teacher
  • Dec 14 – Dec 18: Web 2.0 Classroom
  • Dec 15 – Dec 19: The Healthcare IT Guy
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  • Dec 17 – Dec 21: Healthcare IT Strategy
  • Dec 18 – Dec 22: Active Win
  • Dec 19 – Dec 23: The Healthcare Blog
  • Dec 20 – Dec 24: Practical Theory
  • Dec 21 – Jan 2 : Holiday Break
  • Siguenos por Twitter a través de @Geeksroom y no te pierdas todas las noticias, cursos gratuitos y demás artículos. También puedes seguirnos a través de nuestro canal de Youtube para ver nuestros vídeos, a través de Instagram para ver nuestras imágenes! O vía Bluesky si ya estás cansado de Twitter

    Hector Russo

    Desde su juventud se ha dedicado a la Tecnología de la Información. En su oportunidad fue incluido por Ivy Worldwide en su lista Top 25 influencers en Tecnología. Actualmente es miembro del panel de jurados que elige los mejores vehículos del año para el mercado hispano de Estados Unidos, a través de los Hispanic Motor Press Awards.

    Ver todas las entradas de Hector Russo →

    19 comentarios en «Concursos GeeksRoom: Sorteamos un sistema AIO Lenovo M90z»

    1. I became a fan on Facebook! Thanks for providing us with an opportunity to win the M90z!

      I own my own company and have been using an HP computer that is almost 10 years old (it definitely qualifies as a dinosaur). I have been good about «reviving» this computer, but was recently told by my technician that I need to let the computer die and buy a new one (he’s told me this in the past but he was definitely more stern this time-LOL). Therefore, if I were to win the M90z I would definitely use it for business purposes such as preparing presentations, interacting with clients, etc.

      I would LOVE to win this computer and save myself the expense of having to buy a new computer.


      LaTosha Johnson

    2. Hola! I can’t believe you’re actually giving away a computer, but I’m really appreciative of your consideration and wish everyone good luck.

      I’ve been working as a web developer and graphics designer from a 13inch laptop computer since I moved of the house at the age of 18. I use it to run my small business, and also for school. While it does the job, it’s often a pain working on such a slow computer with a tiny screen to finish large projects.

      I’m currently 22, and haven’t had the pleasure of working on a larger display for several years. The M90Z seems to be the perfect computer required to do everything I need, as it features a very large display, which is absolutely perfect for designing and developing web sites. Also, it would definitely accommodate my very tight living space.

      As a side-job, I’m also working on several touchscreen applications for Windows Phone 7, and later on for Android, so the touch screen display on the M90z would be perfect for testing out the applications on an on-screen emulator.

      Having a computer like this would help me work much more effectively, and would definitely help a college student on a tight budget. Thanks again for your consideration.

      Take care, and happy holidays!

      – Travis Brown

    3. Hello,
      Thank you for such an extraordinary opportunity, the chance to win the system M90z. If I was fortunate enough to be the winner of this system I would be useful while furthering my education.

      I was laid off from a long term career and have not been successful regaining employment. Having to relocate twice in the last 2.5 years and now going through a divorce I feel I must challenged myself even more to keep going. A new computer system (system M90z) would be enlightenment to my research world, world processing opportunities, presentation abilities and so on. Thank you for giving me additional hope.

      I received my Bachelors degree 27 years ago. This decision to go back to school and obtain a new challenging career in the health care field is a new beginning for me. It is time I pick myself up by the bootstraps, help myself to help others.

      Lori Teixeira

    4. I don’t know what is happening but my comment doesn’t seem to be appear here. So i am commenting my post again.
      I entered through twitter @Neroraptor and tweeted about the contest.

    5. My last comment didn’t showed up here. I waited here for almost whole night..If you find it duplicate plz ignore it.

      I tweeted and following you. my twitter id is @shadowseek

    6. I am in to win this.. I really need a new computer for my education purpose.
      Tweeted and following @NandiniPulse

    7. Fan page «liked». Facebook name: Little Oldlady

      My sister-in-law is partially disabled and isolated from the family in Florida. I would like her to have a computer so that she can keep in touch with us up North and perhaps get some part-time work online. I would give her my old computer and use the Lenovo for my work. She is a former nurse who was not able to continue her career when she became ill.


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