26 julio 2024

44 eBooks Gratuitos para Desarrolladores y Diseñadores Web.

En la actualidad donde la tecnología esta presente por todos lados suele ser interesante disponer de textos en que apoyar el desarrollo y diseño web.

Pues bien que te parece si hoy como hemos amanecido de buen humor, os comparto 45 eBooks totalmente gratuitos para desarrolladores y diseñadores Web, seguro que a ninguno le molesta, pues bien después del salto tienen la lista.

  1. Introduction to Good Usability by Peter Pixel (PDF)

  2. Web Accessibility Checklist by Aaron Cannon (PDF)

  3. CSS Systems For Writing Maintainable CSS by Natalie Downe (PDF)

  4. Better CSS Font Stacks by Nathan Ford (PDF)

  5. Faster, and More Secure Webfonts by Bram Pitoyo (PDF)

  6. Designing for the Web by Mark Boulton (PDF)

  7. Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by Jonathan Stark (PDF)

  8. UX Storytellers – Connecting the Dots (PDF)

  9. Essential JavaScript And jQuery Design Patterns by Addy Osmani (PDF)

  10. 20 Things I learned about Browsers and the Web (PDF)

  11. Taking Your Talent to the Web by Jeffrey Zeldman (PDF)

  12. Dive Into HTML 5 by Mark Pilgrim (PDF)

  13. jQuery Fundamentals (PDF)

  14. Data Structures and Algorithms (PDF)

  15. Design Your Imagination (PDF)

  16. Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (PDF)

  17. The Web Book (PDF)

  18. Building Accessible Websites (PDF)

  19. The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web (HTML)

  20. Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design (HTML)

  21. Getting Real: The Book by 37signals (HTML)

  22. Access by Design Online (HTML)

  23. Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines (PDF)

  24. Search User Interfaces (HTML)

  25. Dive Into Accessibility (HTML & PDF)

  26. Web Style Guide: Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites – 3rd Edition (HTML)

  27. The Woork Handbook (PDF)

  28. Web Designers Success Guide (PDF)

  29. Eloquent JavaScript (HTML)

  30. Ruby Best Practices (PDF)

  31. HTML5 Quick Learning Guide by freehtml5templates.com

  32. Web Font User Guide by FontShop

  33. Type Classification eBook by Jacob Cass

  34. Typo Tips – Seven Rules for Better Typography by Erik Spiekermann

  35. How to Start a Business Blog by Michael Martine

  36. Forty’s Pocket Guide to SEO by Forty

  37. Why design? by AIGA

  38. The Design Funnel: A Manifesto for Meaningful Design by Stephen Hay

  39. How To Be Creative by Hugh MacLeod

  40. Time Management for Creative People by Mark McGuinness

  41. Who’s There? by Seth Godin

  42. A Concise Guide to Archiving for Designers by Karin van der Heiden

  43. Guerrilla Freelancing by Mike Smith

  44. KnockKnock by Seth Godin

Si alguno quiere un detalle adicional del eBook, puede visitar nuestra fuente donde hacen una pequeña reseña de cada uno de ellos!!!

Gracias al amigo @alvaromuriel87 por el dato!!!

[Fuente speckyboy][Imagen Cortesía carlamontero]

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