26 marzo 2025

Dropbox está experimentando problemas desde ayer (10/ENE) [Actualización]


Desde el día de ayer se están produciendo problemas al querer ingresar a la página web de dropbox. Aunque la compañía , desde su cuenta de Twitter aclaró que ya fue subsanado y que fue debido a problemas de mantenimiento, lo cierto es que todavía no me deja ver los archivos a través de la página web.

Aunque un grupo de hackers se adjudica , el haber sabotedo el servicio.

A mi me dejó ingresar, pero no me muestra los archivos en la web principal, como podés ver a continuación:



22 Horas después, vía Twitter recibimos esta actualización

Sábado 11/01



UPDATE 1/12 at 1:59pm PT: Hi everyone, we wanted to give an update on where things stand.

As of this morning at 4:10am PT, nearly all users (over 99%) can access their files on dropbox.com. The Photos tab is still turned off, but you can access your photos via the Files tab on dropbox.com or the desktop client. We’re continuing to make a lot of progress restoring full service to all users, and are doing so in careful steps.

About 5% of our users are still experiencing problems syncing from the desktop client, and about 20% of users are having issues accessing Dropbox through our mobile apps. Within a few hours, we’ll be rolling out a change that will further improve things for those users. We’ll give an update after that.

Your files have been safe this entire time. Thanks again for your patience.

UPDATE 1/11 at 6:35pm PT: Dropbox is still experiencing lingering issues from last night’s outage. We’re working hard to get everything back up, and want to give you an update.

No files were lost in the outage, but some users continue to run into problems using various parts of dropbox.com and our mobile apps. We’re rapidly reducing the number of users experiencing these problems, and are making good progress.

We’re also working through some issues specific to photos. In the meantime, we’ve temporarily disabled photo sharing and turned off the Photos tab on dropbox.com for all users. Your photos are safely backed up and accessible from the desktop client and the Files tab on dropbox.com.

We know how much you all rely on Dropbox, and we’re sorry for the trouble. Thanks for your patience — we’ll keep you up to date.

UPDATE 1/11 at 10:24am PT: We’re still experiencing service issues related to the outage last night. We apologize and are working to get the service fully restored as soon as possible.

UPDATE 1/10 at 8:36pm PT: Dropbox site is back up! Claims of leaked user information are a hoax. The outage was caused during internal maintenance. Thanks for your patience!

We are aware that the Dropbox site is currently down. This was caused during routine internal maintenance, and was not caused by external factors. We are working to fix this as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.



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Andrea Cummins

Andrea Cummins Es Senior Editor de GeeksRoom. Estudió Ciencias de la Computación en la facultad de Cs Exactas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Hace 23 años que vive en el campo, en la ciudad de Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe y gracias a Internet, pudo seguir actualizándose con las nuevas tecnologías. A medida que pasó el tiempo se fue capacitando de manera autodidacta y participando en Congresos y Cursos. Su empresa se llama VenadoSoft. Su hobbie es la fotografía y le encanta mostrar su ciudad y su gente a través de su lente.

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