26 marzo 2025

HP Magic Giveaway, Rules (english version)

Because I had a lot of inquieres about the language, so I decided to write the rules in english too.

Hp Magic Giveaway

1) Send me a photo of yourself with the GeeksRoom, HP and Microsoft logos, and the quote «I want to share the Magic».  Be creative, and you can get more numbers for the draw.  Use Photoshop only to apply the logos and the quote, brightness, contrast, colors, but do not add others elements like filters.


Logo GeeksRoom

Logo HP

Logo Windows

2) Answer 3 questions that you can find in this blog:

A) Where I was born? (Country, start with A and finish with A)

B)  Where I live? (some friends call me Cowboy)

C) What brand of computer I bought last week? (It is obvious)

3) If you donate some of your prizes to others, you can get more numbers.  1 PC gives you 2 more numbers, 2 or more PC’s give you 5 more numbers for the draw.

4) the email has to be sent to ,  with the following information:

Name, email address, city and country of residence, answers to the questions A,B and C.

In case that you decide donate some of the prizes, I will need the name, email address, city and country of residence of the person/organization receiving the donation, and a paragraph telling me why you choose this person or organization.

The emails with the requirements to participate will be accepted until December 17, 2008, at 6:00 pm Central Time US.

5)  We will decide the winner, using the Sequence Generator procedure of the Random.org website.

6) The winner will be contacted by email, and have 48 hrs to accept the prize, if we don´t receive any answer, the prize will be for the next in the list generated in Random.org, and so on, but the runner up will only have 24 hours for to respond, and so on.

7) The winner will receive the following products:





  • Kung Fu Panda (2 widescreen DVDs; 1 widescreen Blu-ray disc)

8 ) After the winner accepts  the prize, we will publish the name, city and country of residence and the photo.   Also, if it is the case, we will publish the name, city and contry of residence of the person/organization receiving the donation.

The prizes will be sent to the winner throught Fedex Express and in the case of the donations we will ship the prizes directly to those that the winner has chosen.

9) If you live in the United States, to send the prize we will not accept a PO Box address and the taxes will be paid for by HP (you must provide the information to receive  the check).

10) Participants have to be 18 years of age or older.

11) In this contest any family of Hector Russo cannot participate, and any person that was or is part of the GeeksRoom Staff and their families.   Also any winners of the others contests that are part of the promotion HP Magic Giveaway are not allowed to participate.

12) Sending the email to participate on the contest, you have agreed to accept all the rules, and also you have agreed to assign certain usage rights of the photography to GeeksRoom, HP, Microsoft and Buzz Corps, to be use in this promotion and/or in future promotions.

13) The winner will write a story about his/her participation in the contest, and why he/she donated.  If its possible along with the article, some pictures will be great to go along with the story.

14) The decision is final!

Siguenos por Twitter a través de @Geeksroom y no te pierdas todas las noticias, cursos gratuitos y demás artículos. También puedes seguirnos a través de nuestro canal de Youtube para ver nuestros vídeos, a través de Instagram para ver nuestras imágenes! O vía Bluesky si ya estás cansado de Twitter

Hector Russo

Desde su juventud se ha dedicado a la Tecnología de la Información. En su oportunidad fue incluido por Ivy Worldwide en su lista Top 25 influencers en Tecnología. Actualmente es miembro del panel de jurados que elige los mejores vehículos del año para el mercado hispano de Estados Unidos, a través de los Hispanic Motor Press Awards.

Ver todas las entradas de Hector Russo →

6 comentarios en «HP Magic Giveaway, Rules (english version)»

  1. Geeksroom is the only one website (among non-English participating websites) which has provided a separate English rule for the participants.Thanks Mr.Russo.Although who were complaining earlier for not having the English rules, i can just say, it wasn’t much of a problem to not have rules in English because you can always translate the page into English.

    Just open a non-English page in Internet Explorer & when the page has loaded,right click on the page — > Click on «Page Info» —-> Click on » Translate page in English».And your non-English page will be translated into English.Simple isn’t it ?

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