16 marzo 2025

Recuerden, hoy comienzan los concursos para ganar un Pantech Matrix Pro… solo en USA…. Sorry

Hoy comienzan los concursos para poder ganar uno de los 26 smartphones que AT&T, Pantech, GeeksRoom y otros 25 blogs, entre los que se encuentran Geekzone, SlashGear, Geek.com, ofrecen en 26 concursos diferentes, los cuales comienzan hoy.  Pueden ver la lista de concursos, con los dias en que se desarrollan y los enlaces a los mismos, aqui.

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Hector Russo

Desde su juventud se ha dedicado a la Tecnología de la Información. En su oportunidad fue incluido por Ivy Worldwide en su lista Top 25 influencers en Tecnología. Actualmente es miembro del panel de jurados que elige los mejores vehículos del año para el mercado hispano de Estados Unidos, a través de los Hispanic Motor Press Awards.

Ver todas las entradas de Hector Russo →

2 comentarios en «Recuerden, hoy comienzan los concursos para ganar un Pantech Matrix Pro… solo en USA…. Sorry»

  1. Thank you for participating in the Martrix Pro Give Away Contest. Although I didn’t win & appreciate the chance to enter.
    However, I was a bit disappointed to see how the contest rules appeared to change during the contest. At first it seemed like you were gling to carefully consider each entry and the one that best described the phone, in your estimation, would win. Therefore, in my entry, I gave it a lot of time and thought of just how to word it. Then I discover that all I had to do was just send a post and it, along with all the others, would be put in a random computer program. It didn’t matter if I said I hated the phone, or love the phone or even if I just said «boo»; it didn’t matter, no thought was necesssary, no creativity was acknowledged, all I neededto do was to send «x» and I was in the contest. Well, it might have been easier for you but it was sure a let down for those of us who still care. Sad to say, I won’t be coming back to your site. It looks great and I love the fact that you are in the forefront of assisting and supporting a Spanish-speaking audience, but, for now, I can’t get over this situation. Sorry

  2. Sorry that you are disappointed, but I NEVER said that I’ll carefully consider each entry.
    the rules were simple and clear. The participants has to write a comment telling me what feature of the Pantech Matrix Pro like more or Retweet a message and we will decide the winner, using the list Randomizer procedure of the Random.org website.

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